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How to Remove Glue Residue from Your Closure Using Isopropyl Alcohol


Have you ever struggled with removing glue residue from your closure? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! In this guide, we’ll show you how to effectively clean your closure using a simple household item: isopropyl alcohol.

What You’ll Need:

• 91% Isopropyl Alcohol

• Cotton pads or Wash cloth

• Small bowl or container

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Prepare Your Work Area: Lay out your closure on a flat surface and ensure you have all your supplies within reach.

2. Soak Cotton Ball or Wash Cloth with Isopropyl Alcohol: Pour a small amount of 91% isopropyl alcohol into a bowl or container. Dip a cotton pad or wash cloth into the alcohol, ensuring it’s fully saturated but not dripping.

3. Apply Alcohol to Glue Residue: Gently dab the soaked towel onto the areas of your closure where there is glue residue. Let the alcohol sit on the residue for a few moments to help loosen it.

4. Rub and Remove Residue: After allowing the alcohol to sit, use gentle rubbing motions with the soaked cotton ball to remove the glue residue. Continue rubbing until the residue starts to lift off the closure.

5. Repeat as Needed: Depending on the amount of residue and how stubborn it is, you may need to repeat steps 3 and 4 multiple times until the closure is clean.

6. Rinse and Dry: Once you’ve removed the glue residue, rinse the closure with water to remove any remaining alcohol. Pat the closure dry with a clean towel.

Tips and Warnings:

• Always perform a patch test on a small, inconspicuous area of your closure before applying isopropyl alcohol to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage or discoloration.

• Use gentle pressure when rubbing the alcohol-soaked cotton ball onto the closure to avoid damaging the hair or lace.


Removing glue residue from your closure doesn’t have to be a hassle. With just a few simple steps and some 91% isopropyl alcohol, you can effectively clean your closure and have it looking good as new in no time!

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